About Given Paris

This site given.paris is a tribute to the Paris Agreement on climate change and the opportunity it gives humanity. The agreement was adopted on 12 December 2015 in Le Bourget in the suburbs of Paris.

Ce site given.paris est un hommage à l’Accord de Paris sur le changement climatique et à l’opportunité qu’il offre à l’humanité. L’accord a été adopté le 12 décembre 2015 au Bourget en banlieue parisienne.

Photo: Semana.com

GIVEN is an abbreviation of Get Improvement Via Emission Neutrality. The website strives to provide an unofficial coverage of the implementation of the agreement and also perform as an inspiration and contributor to solving the climate crisis.

GIVEN est une abréviation de Get Improvement Via Emission Neutrality. Le site Web s’efforce de fournir une couverture non officielle de la mise en œuvre de l’accord et également d’être une source d’inspiration et de contribuer à la résolution de la crise climatique.

Image: Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Spectral Q

Given to us by previous generations, a world to just receive, experience and enjoy also holds challenges. Therefor we shall manage it well so we get to experience the greatest gift of all, an improved world given from us to that we love the most, our future, kids and coming generations. The connection is given!

The progress made in the French capital Paris undertakes a task with global implications that affects every part of the world. This photo shows a picturesque shoreline in the southern part of Sweden, a place among many around the globe that can be subject to raising sea levels.

Given från tidigare generationer, en hel värld, att ta emot, uppleva och njuta av, innehåller även utmaningar. Därför ska vi förvalta den utan att helt ta den för given så vi får uppleva det bästa av allt, en förbättrad värld given av oss till det vi älskar mest, vår framtid, våra barn och kommande generationer. Tesen är given!